Corey Salzano

Corey Salzano

Web Developer

wp-cli & Shell Command Library

The WordPress command line interface makes the work we do easy. This page also contains shell script commands that do not use wp-cli but are run the same way. Commands Media Library Delete Gravity Forms file uploads Deletes all files…


Inkless is digital signature software for WordPress. Let customers sign PDFs without leaving your site. GET NOTIFIED Find out the moment Inkless is available. Sign up below for a launch email. HOW IT WORKS Gravity Forms Screenshots Inkless is launching…

Embed PDF for WPForms

A free and open-source plugin for WordPress. An add-on for WPForms that provides a PDF Viewer field. Drag and drop a PDF Viewer into any WPForms Form. Choose a PDF from the Media Library, or provide a local URL. DEMO…

Embed PDF for Gravity Forms

A free and open-source plugin for WordPress. An add-on for Gravity Forms that provides a PDF Viewer field. Drag and drop a PDF Viewer into any Gravity Form. Choose a PDF from the Media Library, or provide a local URL.…

PHP Code Sniffer Errors Explained

Messages output by PHP_CodeSniffer or “phpcs” are often confusing, especially when using an opinionated coding standard like the WordPress Coding Standard. Below, some of these messages are described in detail. SQL wildcards for a LIKE query should be passed in…

HEIC Support

A free and open-source plugin for WordPress that adds .heic image support for iPhone & other Apple devices. Visit for more download options and all discussion. FEATURES Creation of .webp or .jpg copies usually works on servers running ImageMagick…

Send Everything for Contact Form 7

A free and open-source extension for Contact Form 7. Visit for more download options and all discussion. FEATURES SCREENSHOT Works After Deactivation The core feature of Send Everything, the [everything] mail tag, does not work unless the plugin is…

Power Boost for Gravity Forms

A free and open-source extension for Gravity Forms power users. Visit for more download options and all discussion. Power Boost for Gravity Forms is a free WordPress plugin for Gravity Forms power users. The Resend Feeds feature helps me…

Easy Digital Downloads Extensions

Easy Digital Downloads is a WordPress plugin that helps sell digital products like software or music. Here are several free and open-source add-ons made in Pennsylvania: Always Show License LengthAdds a note like “per year” near pricing options in the…

Always Show License Length

A free and open-source extension for Easy Digital Downloads. Adds a note like “per year” near pricing options in the purchase button or [purchase_link] shortcode. Visit for more download options. Source code