wp-cli & Shell Command Library

The WordPress command line interface makes the work we do easy. This page also contains shell script commands that do not use wp-cli but are run the same way.


Media Library

Delete Gravity Forms file uploads

Deletes all files uploaded with form submissions. Frees disk space in local copies of sites.

rm -rf wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/*


Activate Plugin on Every Site

wp site list --field=url | xargs -n1 -I % wp --url=% plugin activate wp-api-disable-user-list/wp-api-disable-user-list.php

Find Sites Using a Specific Plugin

Reveals which blogs in a network have activated a specific plugin.

sites=$(wp site list --field=url)
for url in $sites; do
    if wp plugin is-active "embed-pdf-gravityforms/embed-pdf-gravityforms.php" --url="${url}" --network; then
        echo "${url}"

Grant Super Admin to User

wp super-admin add [email protected]

Network-wide Search and Replace

Runs the wp search-replace command on every site in a network.

wp site list --field=url | xargs -n1 -I % wp --url=% search-replace '[vehicle_form_field]' '[invp_vehicle vehicle]'


Activate Plugins According to the Option

Syncs the plugin directory to the database option. Installs and activates plugins using the list stored in the site.

wp plugin list --status=active --field=file | xargs -n1 -I % wp plugin install % -–activate


Change User Password

wp user update [email protected] --user_pass="h43v#sdsfg)fgh49gh@cY<3Tb4Wfk9ke"